
Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Improving Glen Innes Road Safety

Kia ora! My name is Riiana and I am a year 9 student at Tamaki College. I am a part of Akomanga Kaihanga, a project-based learning class formed this year. Right now we are currently working on team projects. I am in Team Renegade with Amelia, our team leader, Naomi and Temu, our researchers, Champion, our note taker, and Poiva, our spokesperson. I am also a note taker!

My group is working on improving road safety around Glen Innes. So far we have decided to add raised crossings outside of Tamaki College and on Apirana Ave. We are also looking to reduce the speed limit on Line Rd. There are more ideas we have yet to discuss between ourselves like repainting white lines and filling in potholes.

We chose this issue as the majority of us live in the area and have concerns about the behaviour of drivers and their actions.

The steps we have taken to achieve our main goal is by getting the opinions of those in the community and forming coalitions with project leaders working towards similar goals. We have managed to form one, that being with ACC.

Once this project has been completed, Team Renegade hopes to have created a long term effect. What I mean by this is our main goal is to have decreased any chance of future road accidents. 

I am quite proud of the progress we have made through our journey. We first started with just focusing on Line Rd. Our design model had security cameras watching over the intersection and crossings also near the intersection. Now we have shifted our focus to the Glen Innes town centre and Line Rd.

1 comment:

ApeluatT.C said...

Thank you Riiana for sharing your project overview! I am interested in where you would go next with your project and who the other people/groups' points of views that you are hoping to gather to support your project. Keep up the great work!

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